Sunday, September 4, 2011

《西游记》- 9/4/11 - 白岩

《西游记》对中国文化特别, 因为很古代的,但,现代人口认为有趣。这个故事对现代中国文化很有影响力的。比如说,“上西天”是一个口语短语,意思就是死亡了。今天,《西游记》激励多多的电影,书,和别的种类东西。少孩子一看看,就天马行空。


孙悟空 sun1wu4kong1 - Monkey King, main character in Journey to the West
沙和尚 sha1he2shang - Sha the Monk, supporting character
猪八戒 zhu1ba1jie4 - supporting character in Journey to the West, a half-pig warrior
唐僧 tang2seng1 - supporting character in Journey to the West
主要 zhu3yao4 - main, central (比如:主要人物)
妖魔鬼怪 yao1mo2gui3guai4 - ghosts and demons
有趣 you3qu4 - interesting
上西天 shang4xi1tian1 - to pass away, to “kick the bucket”
激励 ji1li4 - to inspire
天马行空 tian1ma3xing2kong1 - to set the imagination free, have an unconstrained mind

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