在这个课文中,很有意思的成语很多。 比方说,自给自足,这个词的意思是某人或某物能维持自身而不用外界帮助。住在农村的人们可以做到自给自足,但是随着现代化的科技发展,各种便利的电气引起了农村人的注意。即使农民可以自给自足,他们也愿意与外界进行交易,以使生活变得更加便利。
- 吃不消 = to be unable to bear
- 设定 = to establish
- 温饱 = dress warmly and ear one’s fill è 最基本生活水平的比喻
- 遵守 = comply with
- 收入 = income
- 伤脑筋 = troublesome
- 保障 = to ensure
- 内陆 = inland
- 开销 = expenditure
- 下岗 = lay off
- 再就业 = re-employment
- 入不敷出 = expenditure exceed income
- 通货膨胀 = inflation
- 通货紧缩 = deflation
- 喝西北风 = can’t even afford to eat
- 自给自足 = self-sufficient
- 一掷千金 = to spend a lot of money
- 联动机制 = parallel system
- 挥金如土 = to spend vast quantities of money
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