Friday, September 19, 2008






这段博客的对话关于两个想要减肥的女人。 因为一个穿不上她上个月买的衣服,所以要找到最快的办法减肥。一个女人听过 一个人吃了减肥药的牌子叫番泻叶, 和她真的瘦了很多。他决定买不买这种药之前,用因特网检查有没有坏点。他发现番泻叶有许多坏点。她看了一篇新闻说一个女中学生和番泻叶致内分泌紊乱。总是暴饮暴食,然后拼命喝 番泻叶,最后得了强迫症. 因为他们决定减肥药可能对身体不健康,所以打算去看医生。

依我看,减肥药很危险也没有用。如果人想要减肥的话,他就应该吃少点和运动多点。这是唯一的办法真真的减肥。 不过,美国,德国,澳洲,等等 有很多胖胖的人。他们的问题不就是有啤酒肚或者救生圈。我觉得在过胖的情况下,医生肯定开减肥药。


1. 番泻叶 fan1xie4ye4 senna leaf

2. 暴饮暴食 bao4yin3bao4shi2 binge eating

3. 强迫症 qiang3po4zheng4 obsessive-compulsive disorder

4. 内分泌 nei4fen1mi4 endocrine

5. 紊乱 wen3luan4 disorder

6. 啤酒肚 pi2jiu3du4 beer belly

7. 救生圈 jiu4sheng1quan1 spare tire


王爱美 (thespian4life) said...

看相这个网站不让你用一个号码的名单. 你可以用没有号码的名单. 我可以帮助你.
开始用没有号码的名单用 [ul], 结束了的时候用 [/ul]. 每次你想有一个新的事实加一个[li]在那个事实的前面. 如果你一个线的话, 加一个[hr] . 如果你要开始新的行, 加一个[br] . 如果你要开始一个新的段, 加一个[p] . 如果你要黑体字, 加[b]在前面, 然后加[/b] 在哪个词或字的后面. 如果你要在一个词或字的下划线加一个[u]在那个词或字的前面, 然后加一个[/u]在那个词或字的后面. 如果你要在词或字下划横线的划, 加一个[i] 在那个词或字的前面, 然后加一个[/i]在那个词或字的后面. 因为我可以用html我不会写真的html, 所以 [ 真的是一个 <, 和 ]真的是一个> .

And in case you didn’t want to bother reading that upper portion if you even saw it, here is something to help.
Looks like you tried to add a list, and it seems that the website does not allow for ordered lists, either that or your HTML input was not allowed- it happens sometimes. If it doesn’t work for you next time, this might help. To start a list add [ul] the unnumbered list code. To end the list add a [/ul] when you are finished, if you do not start one you will never get your bullets, and if you do not end one, everything after the list becomes a part of it. In order to get bullets (if you want to know how to customize the bullets let me know and I can tell you, but I doubt it is important to you at the moment, let alone at all.), add a [li], aka the list item, at the beginning of each new point. If you want a separative line spanning the length of the line (no text) then add an [hr] . If you want to start a new line add a
. If you want to start a new paragraph (a new line with space under the previous) add a [p] . I will admit it is probably easier for most to just utilize the return/enter key, but the beauty of html is that you never have to stop to hit it, you can do the same things without ever letting it cross your mind (you should see my source code!), and sometimes when you use some html in some places and not others where it can be used the computer will not register one or the other (not that that problem exists with this blog). If you want bolded text add a [b] before the text you want bolded and a [/b] afterwards (the / is a closing tag, it is added to any html tag when the action should be discontinued). If you want underlined text (which is not accepted here) add a [u] before the text you want bolded and a [/u] afterwards. If you want italicized text add a [i] before the text you want bolded and a [/i] afterwards.

Here are some codes that are not in the chinese portion! If you want bolded italicized text that is also underlinedadd all three codes before and then all three closing codes before and after the text, order does not matter as long as they are all there. [t] and [/t] will give you the typewriter font (which is also not allowed in the comment area). If you want to add a link to a website such as valpo do the following: [a href=”insert website name here” ]the word you want the link to be[/a] . [sub] before and [/sub] after will give you subScript; likewise [sup] before and [/sup] will give you superScript. [center] and [/center] will center text, and “center”can be changed with the words “left” and “right”. “the and symbol” in front of amp will give you &amp. and “the and symbol” in front of quot will give you &quot. There are also ways to add accents over letters, but I never bothered to memorize them. If you ever have any html questions, let me know! Since this site allows html, I could not give you the actual codes, otherwise it would implement my commands, therefore, if you are going to use anything change each [ to a < and each ] to a >.

Hope this helps!

鄭方源 said...

哈哈! 我也有“救生圈”